Entry to the premises will be refused to any person who appears to be intoxicated, is acting in a threatening manner or is violent.
Entry to the premises will be refused to anyone convicted by the police of an offence of drunkenness, violence or threatening behaviour, or the use or distribution of illegal substances.
Anyone caught burning toxic materials, creating large bonfires, throwing missiles, or taking part in any kind of anti-social behaviour that endangers other festival goers in any manner will be evicted from site immediately. The licence for each festival is granted under strict conditions of attendance and public safety, prevention of disorder and prevention of public nuisance. Any person who disrupts the festival under any of the below sections will leave themselves liable for eviction from site. The decision as to the eviction will be at the discretion of the Eviction Team following advice from festival security staff and will be overseen by the Security Co-ordinator.
Persons will be liable for eviction under the following circumstances:
a) Drugs
b) Anti-Social Behaviour**
c) Robbery
d) No wristband
e) Assault
f) Theft
g) Sexual assault
h) Juvenile Drugs
i) Breach of Terms & Conditions
j) Having been arrested or cautioned in connection with a criminal offence, pending or post handover to the Police
**Unacceptable behaviour that can lead to eviction includes, but is not limited to:
o illegal activity
o breaching the terms and conditions of entry
o failing to submit to a search upon entry to the site
o offensive behaviour
o throwing hard objects in the direction of people
o encouraging others to behave badly by incitement
o preventing our security or emergency services reacting to a situation
o building or fuelling large bonfires
o committing a criminal offence but not arrested by the police
o in possession of unlawful drugs
o unofficially selling alcohol, tobacco, counterfeit goods or any other unauthorised goods
o ticket touting
o any other behaviour that leaves the festival open to prosecution or is not conducive to maintaining a safe event